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I'm Bethany.
A working mom living her best life!

Pre-COVID, I commuted 60 minutes, five days a week, to and from my house, daycare, and job. I took calls with clients in the car while my toddler babbled (or got sick) in the back seat. I got to work early and left late. I went home, only to find my professional work day turned into domestic work evening.


Meeting all the expectations started to drown me. I felt like I was failing at everything. My mental health and physical health deteriorated.


Three weeks before the COVID lockdown, I returned home from an especially long day and told my wife I was done. Something had to change; I was about to break.


COVID lockdown and the remote work order gave me something back that I hadn't had in a long while: my time. It stopped the rush, the commute, and the constant reaction to outside pressure. For the first time, I felt like I could breathe again. I started deep work and somatic practice to heal.​


Something shifted in me, and I realized I wanted more out of life. I wanted purpose in my job and my personal life, and I knew I needed to stay connected to myself to achieve both in balance. After years of inner work and self-growth, I recovered and knew I had to share what I learned with others.

I founded Verve & Soul to do just that. My mission is to help women find their verve, reconnect with their souls, and kick burnout to the curb once and for all! You can live a life full of passion and purpose when you learn to be true to yourself.

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