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From Burnout to Bliss

Mind-body coaching to get rid of burnout
and reclaim your energy, vitality, and joy.

The Truth About Burnout Recovery

Everyone recommends quick-fix solutions to burnout—luxury self-care or intense regimens. These just add to your feelings of stress and pressure rather than alleviate them and they do little to address the root causes of how you got into burnout to begin with. They certainly won't get you out of it.

To truly recover, you need a deeper approach.

There will always be stress, but it's how you respond to it that determines whether you handle it with ease or end up burned out.


Revamp Your Stress Response.

Your ability to connect to your body and listen to its cues directly impacts how you process and recover from stress.​


Chronic stress makes you feel anxious and disconnected from the life you want to be living. In this state, you are reacting to the world's demands rather than responding to them with intention.


Your body isn't meant to be under chronic stress. In fact, it's hard-wired to seek balance and health. However, stress can make you tunnel-visioned, determined, and quick to dismiss your deeper needs for release and healing.


Getting out of fight-or-flight requires that your body feels safe. Safety is embodied when you build a stronger connection to your body and can elevate its needs.


Burnout Recovery Coaching

I've combined elements from my training as an Integrative Somatic Practitioner, MMFT mind-fitness training, my personal burnout recovery journey, and practical tips and techniques from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and neuroscience to create a powerful practice that gets to the core of where your body needs to feel safe and brings that healing, transformational change to your life.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦

Personalized Sessions

We meet for one-hour virtual sessions as often as you'd like. In these sessions, you learn to better attune to your body to uncover and work through your core contributors of burnout and heal.

Image by madison lavern

Somatic Care Plan

While we work together, we'll create a somatic care plan that you can follow to help you build resiliency to stress, deepen your connection to your body, and integrate new healthy patterns into your life.

mastering self-connection cover of booklet

Additional Resources

You'll have the opportunity to reconsider and prioritize where you want your life to be post-burnout. You'll gain access to resources and practices that help you get clear and plan your next steps.

Meet Your Coach


Hi, I'm Bethany! 

I love connecting with people. With my training as an Integrative Somatic Therapy Practitioner (ISTP), Mind-Body Coach, and Professional User Experience Designer and Researcher, I enjoy understanding how people interact in their world, what motivates them, and how it forms the base for their actions and desires.


As a woman in tech, I have also experienced and overcome severe burnout in my career and personal life.


Recovering from burnout, chronic stress, and anxiety isn't always easy, but staying stuck in it forever is worse.

Following their sessions with me, women have felt more at ease in their bodies, can navigate life authentically, handle stress more effectively, and finally feel they can prioritize the things in life that bring them true happiness and joy.


The next success story can be you!

What Clients Are Saying

This is your opportunity
for real change.

From this point on, live your life burnout-free!

  • What is Integrative Somatic Practice?
    Integrative Somatic Practice is a holistic approach to healing that combines various body-based techniques to enhance the mind-body-soul connection. It involves using different modalities to attune inward, bringing the body's deeper wisdom into awareness. By accessing and releasing stored emotions, stress, and trauma, this practice helps cultivate greater self-awareness, inner clarity, reduce physical and emotional discomfort, and promote overall well-being.
  • Who is Somatic Burnout Recovery Coaching for?
    Burnout Recovery Coaching is tailored to women who are struggling with burnout, anxiety or chronic stress but want more out of their lives. If you have lost your sense of self, feel stuck, and are unsure how to move forward, this is for you! Your time and sanity are your most valuable assets. If you choose to enroll, you will finally find relief, recalibrate your life, and move forward with more clarity. All without adding more big tasks to your to-do list. It is not a good fit if you are looking for a quick fix or a fast external approach. This is a personalized program that meets you where you are at with deep, vulnerable work and a transformational change.
  • What is the time commitment?
    Each session is 60 minutes long via Zoom. You can book sessions at your convenience as frequently or infrequently as you like. Within each session you will learn techniques that you can do anywhere on your own that take 5 minutes or less and will help you build resiliency to stress and connection to your body's needs. As with any practice, the more you practice the easier and more engrained the habits become. I recommend at least 1 intro sessions and 1 followup session to start. Most clients end up continuing on a weekly or biweekly basis until they reach their desired goals.
  • What will I get from this session?
    The truth is I meet you where you are at. Your call is personalized to you. Here are some things you come away with after our call: - Reconnection to your authentic self. - Someone who listens and understands your situation. - Increased mind-body connection. - More awareness of your sources of burnout, the symptoms you've been suffering from, and why. - Learn new methods for removing the effects of burnout from your life and connecting with your world differently. - Increased self-awareness of needs. - Clarity of your direction and goals. - Continued support throughout the month through WhatsApp as you process your new takeaways. - Tips and tricks to keep your burnout at bay. - Increased overall feeling of worthiness. Above all, you'll come away feeling more confident in your ability to manage your burnout and gain the clarity you need to live the life you dream.
  • How do I know if this is right for me?
    Not sure if the Rebel Against Burnout Program is right for you? No worries! A free 15 minute consult call can still bring clarity, and there's no pressure to commit. You'll walk away knowing if my coaching is right for you. You'll have the option to book a spot in the program at the end, if you desire. Book a free consult call
  • How much does it cost?
    The total cost of each session is $100 due at the time of booking. If you're interested in continuing work with me and want to commit to packs of 5 or 10 sessions at once, let me know via email I do offer a discount! Due to the nature of the program and the fact that the work is not a tangible product, I do not accept refunds.

Connection is Everything


 Doing inner work takes time, dedication, motivation, and vulnerability. 

If you are unsure if my coaching program is right for you, you can book a 15-minute free consultation with me to discuss your needs and determine whether we're a good fit!

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